Our Lemon Farms

Cítricos La Paz boasts its own farms where lemons of the two most deeply rooted varieties in our area are grown: Verna and Primofiori. We have conventional, organic lemon, zero residue and without post-harvest treatment. Our service is available during 52 weeks of the year, importing from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and South Africa.


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Finca Monteverde

Citricos La Paz is committed to the organic with the acquisition of a land with more than 40 hectares called Finca Monteverde, a present and future project that allows us to work the land both deeply and superficially for the correct treatment of organic lemon.

On this farm we use aorganic fertilizers and natural products, respecting the auxiliary fauna through the use of vegetation hedges which are a great reservoir of biodiversity acting as a refuge for local fauna and acting as a protective barrier against possible pests. The production follows the quality standards of Global GAP and Grasp. Our aim is to make Finca Monteverde a benchmark in organic citrus production and we want to go even further, making it biodynamic. Biodynamic agriculture considers the farm as an organism that is integrated together with the fauna, flora and human beings who inhabit the space.


Organic farming is based on going back to our roots, growing all the foods we need to survive in a natural way, respecting their growing time, the natural treatments that each crop needs and the use of new green technologies. For years, producers rushed to produce against the clock and streamline processes like growing food to supply humanity, but it’s time to make a change and start farming organically.. Organic farming consistently shows that it is not only the best option to protect our health and the environment, but that it is capable of feeding the planet if the right investments are made.

Irrigation has been one of the fundamental pillars of growing crops. The Monteverde Farm has been equipped with an efficient irrigation system in the use of available water resources, making use of the necessary technologies to incur the lowest possible water and energy consumption, guaranteeing the optimal operation and development of the crop.

The farm has opted for the use of materials and resources in irrigation facilities that allow us to be at the forefront of existing technology with responsible energy consumption. Given the current situation and future outlook in which water resources are increasingly limited, a clear compromise has been established between efficiency in the use of water and the incorporation of the latest technologies in irrigation
For this reason, at Finca Monteverde, the installation of automated
irrigation pipes with self-compensating drippers, ensuring an exact distribution of water in the crop has been encouraged. In this way, the rational and effective use of water resources is guaranteed, minimizing energy
consumption. Another of the processes to take into account has been the earthwork, due to the fact that the terrain was modelled with the most advanced and up-to-date machinery equipped with 3D GPS, technology that has allowed, for better use of existing machines and
better land management.

  • It spans 40 hectares in cultivation area (400,000 m2)
  • It boasts 17,500 lemon trees, which translates into a production of 3.5 million kg of BIO lemon.
  • Production with the quality standards of Global Gap and Grasp.
  • Zero inorganic fertilizers or chemical products, use of organic fertilizers and natural products, which respects the fauna, helps by using vegetable hedges.
  • Integrated pest management, hives for natural pollination, as well as biological pest control (Aphytis Melinus release), biological control programs for these agricultural pests or the use of pheromena traps.

“Organic farming shows every day that not only is it the best option for our health and the environment, it can also feed the planet.”

Copyright © 2021 Cítricos La Paz Todos los derechos reservados

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