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Our varieties.


It is a Spanish variety whose origin is probably from the germination of a common lemon seed cultivated around the Segura River. It is the most important variety in Spain and the most precocious. Representing 80% of its production.

The tree flowers intensively only once a year, usually between the first ten days of April and the beginning of May (later than the flowering of the Verna lemon tree and for a shorter period). Although there is also a second summer flowering (called rodrejos), but it is very scarce and with fruits much thicker than those of normal harvest.

The fruit is medium sized, spherical or oval, with a smooth and thin rind. It lacks a neck in the peduncular region and its apical mamelon is acute and small.

The pulp has a pale yellow color, is very juicy, with high juice yield and high acidity, which makes this variety very appreciated for the citrus derivatives industry. The number of segments varies from 8 to 12.


Its origin is Spanish but unknown, it probably comes from the introduction of Italian lemon, Monachello type, in the orchard of Murcia. It is the second most important variety in Spain (after Primofiori) and the fifth in the world. Its production represents 20%, and it is grown mainly in Alicante and Murcia.

This lemon tree is reflorescent and has basically two blooms. The main period, which produces the so-called harvest fruit, is very long, since it lasts from March to May, depending on the weather, location and physiological state of the trees.

In August and September another flowering takes place, whose fruits are called rodrejos or verdelli. They are harvested in the summer of the following year. These fruits have a thinner and smoother skin than the harvested ones, besides being more rounded and with a pale green color.

Inside, the flesh is tender and juicy, with good juice content and low acidity. Its average number of segments is eight to nine.


The Eureka variety is the most widely cultivated outside the Mediterranean area. It was obtained in California in 1858 and its main producers are mainly California, Australia, South Africa, Argentina and Israel.

The fruits are of medium size, elliptical or oblong, sometimes ovoid. They usually have a small neck in the peduncular region and a small apical mamelon that is often surrounded by an areolar groove.

The rind is of medium thickness or thin, normally smooth, although it may have some roughness, especially if grown in Mediterranean climates.

The pulp of this lemon has an excellent juice content, with high acidity.


Lemon with treatment

Conventionally grown lemons are those that have been treated in the field with different chemical products (fully regulated by the health authorities), which protect them against pests and also increase their shelf life.Conventional lemons with post-harvest treatment are those that are processed with a series of fungicide products after harvesting, the purpose of this application is to extend their shelf life, avoiding the development and appearance of fungi and molds.

Untreated lemons

Conventional lemons are also processed without post-harvest treatment. It is a product that is free of any type of fungicide application after harvesting, which allows the bark to be consumed. In other words, only chemicals have been applied to this product in the field, in a totally independent work line, thus avoiding any type of cross-contamination.

Organic lemon

The organic lemon is the one grown through organic farming, the raw material is obtained from the optimal use of the natural resources of the farm, without using synthetic chemicals. It is important to point out the benefits of this product in different areas. On the one hand, the whole process is carried out in a sustainable and balanced way, using environmentally friendly farming methods, less extensive agriculture. These techniques contribute to the preservation of native species and varieties, and agricultural and wild biological diversity.

Varietal calendars.

Our varietal calendars offer continuous seasonality. Thanks to our seasonal calendar, at Cítricos La Paz we can enjoy lemons all year round and serve our customers during the 52 weeks of the year.

Our farms.

La Paz Fresh has its own farms where it grows lemons of the two varieties most deeply rooted in our area: Verna and Primofiori. We have conventional, organic, zero residue and no post-harvest treatment lemons. Our service extends throughout the 52 weeks of the year, importing from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and South Africa.

"We have our own and partner farms."

Our latest news!

Monteverde Farm

La Paz Fresh bets for the ecological with the acquisition of a land with more than 40 hectares called Finca Monteverde, a project of present and future that allows us to work the land both deeply and superficially for the correct treatment of the ecological lemon.

In this farm we use organic fertilizers and natural products, respecting the auxiliary fauna through the use of hedges, which are a great reservoir of biodiversity, acting as a refuge for this fauna and acting as a protective barrier against possible pests. Production follows Global GAP and Grasp quality standards. Our aim is to make Finca Monteverde a reference in the production of organic citrus and we even want to go further, making it biodynamic. Biodynamic agriculture considers the farm as an organism that is integrated with fauna, flora and human beings.


The organic agriculture is based on going back to our roots, growing naturally all the food we need to survive, respecting the growing time, the natural treatments that each crop must undergo and taking advantage of new green technologies. For years there has been the idea of racing against time and streamlining processes such as growing food to supply humanity, but it is time to make a change and begin to growing organically. Organic agriculture shows every day that it is not only the best option to protect our health and the environment, but that it is capable of feeding the planet if the right investments are made.


Irrigation has been one of the fundamental pillars of this crop. The Monteverde Farm has been equipped with an irrigation system that is efficient in the use of the available water resources, making use of the necessary technologies to incur the lowest possible water and energy consumption, guaranteeing the optimal operation and development of the crop.

We have opted for the use of materials and resources in irrigation installations that allow us to be at the forefront of existing technology with responsible energy consumption. Given the current situation and future prospects in which water resources are increasingly limited, a clear commitment has been established between water use efficiency and the incorporation of the latest technologies in automated irrigation systems
For this reason, the Monteverde Farm has been planned for the
installation of irrigation piping with self-compensating drippers, ensuring an accurate distribution of water on the crop. This ensures the rational and effective use of water resources, minimizing energy consumption.
in the installation. Another of the processes to be taken into account was the earthmoving process. The terrain was modeled with the most advanced machinery of the moment, equipped with 3D GPS, technology that has served, at the same time, to improve the work of the machines themselves and that has allowed a
better use of the land.


  • Reaches 40 hectares in cultivation area (400,000 m2).
  • It has 17,500 lemon trees, which translates into a production of 3.5 million kg of organic lemons.
  • Production with Global Gap and Grasp quality standards.
  • Zero inorganic fertilizers or chemical products, use of organic fertilizers and natural products, with respect for the auxiliary fauna by using hedgerows.
  • Integrated pest management, beehives for natural pollination as well as biological pest control (release of Aphytis Melinus), biological control programs for these agricultural pests or the use of pheromone traps.

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